Two Factor Authentication enables an extra layer of security.

Every user has access to enable this for themselves.

A combination of User Access and Centre Options can force 2FA onto users at a centre level.

Enable 2FA for individual accounts:

Login to Infocare.

  • Click on the account button
  • Select Account
  • Enable Two-factor Authentication: Yes
  • Follow the onscreen steps to activate 2FA.
  • The next time you login to Infocare you will be prompted to verify again.

Disable 2FA for individual accounts:

Login to Infocare.

  • Click on the account button
  • Select Account
  • Enable Two-factor Authentication: No
  • Click Update

Enable 2FA via User options.

Login with a account that has access to modify Users.

  • Centre > Users > [Select a User]
  • Two-factor authentication (TFA):Select one of the 3 options.
    • Yes - will enable 2FA for this user.
    • Centre - (Default) will enable 2FA if the Centre Options is set to Yes
    • No - will not enable 2FA for this user. This will ignore the Centre Option.
  • Click Update

Enable 2FA within Centre Options

Centre > Centre Options > Security

  • Enable two-factor authentication
    • Yes - This will enable 2FA for all users with the User option set to 'Centre' (See Enable 2FA via User options).
    • No (Default) - Will not enable 2FA for users.