Using the Emergency Update screen, you are able to change or add new details pertaining to employee contacts.
Enter the contact’s First Name in the First Name
Enter the contact’s Last Name in the Last Name field.
From the Relationship drop down list, select the appropriate option.
If this contact has the same address as the employee, or the same address as another contact for this employee, select the appropriate option from the drop down list and the address details for this contact will be automatically populated.
Check the Input Address Manually box if the address is not available in the “Auto-Complete” address field.
If you have NOT selected "Input Manually", begin typing the address into the Address field. As you type, address matches will be suggested from a list of valid New Zealand addresses. Click on the correct address suggested and the remainder of the address fields will be automatically populated.
Address Line 1 is only required to be entered if you have opted to input the address manually.
Address Line 2 is only required to be entered if you have opted to input the address manually.
City is only required to be entered if you have opted to input the address manually.
Postal Code is only required to be entered if you have opted to input the address manually.
Country is automatically populated as New Zealand.
Enter the daytime phone number for this contact in the Daytime Telephone (work) * field.
Enter the evening phone number for this contact in the Evening Telephone (home) field.
Enter the mobile contact number for this contact in the Mobile field. Please note that mobile numbers should be entered using international format (i.e., +6421123456).
Enter the email address for this contact in the Email field.
Once you have completed your data entry for this screen, click the Update button to save the data and return to the previous screen.
Alternatively, click the Cancel button to discard your changes and return to the previous screen.
For further information or assistance call
0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email
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