This screen is used to specify your selection criteria for displaying a list of pre-defined reports relating to employee hours at your service.
Using the From and Until date fields, specify the date range you would like to use for viewing the data for a single Day or the entire Week. You can quickly navigate to the previous or next week using the icons.
Using the Job drop down list, you can choose to refine your report to a specific job title (i.e., Educator). To include all job types, select All Staff.
The Sort Order drop down list allows you to select the order you would like employees to appear in the display. Options as First Name order, Last Name Order or, if you are part of a larger group and you are viewing data for multiple services, Centre Short Name.
If your service is part of a larger group, and you would like to display information for multiple services, select Group, Area, Region, or Subgroup from the View By drop down list.
Select which options you require for this report by clicking the appropriate radio buttons. Please note that you can select multiple options from the list. Options are:
Permanent staff - By default, all staff members are included on the reports. Check this box if you wish to select permanent staff exclusively on the report.
Temporary staff - By default, all staff members are included on the reports. Check this box if you wish to select temporary staff exclusively on the report
Include Lunch - By default, lunch breaks are not included. Check this box if you wish to include lunch breaks on the report
Decimal Time Format - By default times are displayed as hours and minutes (1h30m). If you are planning on using this report to export to a .csv file or spreadsheet, you may prefer to have the times in a decimal format (1.5). Check this box if you wish to display times as decimal.
If you are exporting this report to a spreadsheet or .csv file, you may wish to change the number of lines per page so that you do not get a page break with headings etc., in the middle of the report. If this is the case, enter the number of lines per page required.
Using the Print Mode drop down list, you can choose from the following reports:-
Worked Activity by Type
Rostered Activity by Type
Worked Activity Description
Rostered Activity Description
Daily Worked by Activity Type
Daily Rostered by Activity Type
Daily Worked by Activity Description
Daily Rostered by Activity Description
Total Worked by Activity Type
Total Rostered by Activity Type
Total Worked by Activity Description
Total Rostered by Activity Description
If you would like to create a .csv file from one of the reports in Child Details, select the desired parameters, display the report to the screen and then click the icon next to the Print button. The created file name will be displayed on the screen. Click on the file name if you wish to open it or right click to download a copy to your computer. If you wish to delete the file, click the
icon at the right hand side of the screen.
Once you have completed your selection criteria you can click the Print button to display the report. Alternatively, click Print to Printer to print a hardcopy of the report.
For further information or assistance call
0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email
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