This screen is used to update details relating to a Home where children are cared for by Educators in a Home-based Network.
Please select the name of the Educator associated with this Home from the drop-down list.
Home Name
Please enter the name that you would like to give this Home.
Begin typing the address into this field. As you type, the system will suggest addresses from a list of valid New Zealand addresses. Click on the correct address suggested and the remainder of the address fields will be automatically populated.
Input address manually
Check this box if the address is not available in the “auto-complete” Address field.
Address Line 1
Only required to be entered if you have opted to input the address manually.
Address Line 2
Only required to be entered if you have opted to input the address manually.
Only required to be entered if you have opted to input the address manually.
Postal Code
Only required to be entered if you have opted to input the address manually.
Please enter the phone number for this Home.
Principal ID (Ezypay users only)
Please enter the Principal ID for the educator associated with this Home.
Email (Ezypay users only)
Please enter the email address that will be used to send notifications relating to failed parent payments.
Username (Ezypay users only)
Please enter the Ezypay Username for the educator associated with this Home.
Password (Ezypay users only)
Please enter the Ezypay Password for the educator associated with this Home.
Once you are satisfied that the information entered is correct, click the "Update" button to save the information and return to the previous screen.
To discard any information entered and return to the previous screen, click the "Cancel" button.
For further information or assistance call
0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email
© 2018 Infocare Systems Limited